Aulonocara hueseri

Aulonocara Hueseri Malawi bei der Balz Du-rh. Cet article est une ébauche concernant les poissons. Message de cedricLun 15:08.

Niveau caractére sa donne quoi ? Browse through this collection of.

Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes . Learn more about the Night aulonocara – with amazing Night aulonocara photos and facts on Arkive. Pronunciation: -l n- -k r- hy -s r-. An undemanding fish to keep but . Tidigare vetenskapligt namn: Aulunocara sp. Cette espèce mesure adulte une taille maximal avoisinant les centimètres, parfois un peu plus en aquarium pour les plus vieux spécimens. For the most part peacock cichlids in the aquarium all behave relatively the same.

Also Known As: White Top Peacock.

Diète, Omnivore État sauvage : Petits invertébrés. The following other s use this file: Usage on bg. Confused by a class within a class or an order within an order?

Please see our brief essay. Ca y est, je viens de faire craché ma femelle. Males are darker blue with yellow on the lower body, lower fins, and tail. This fish page needs some help!

They also have black stripes on the body. Their dorsal fin is black with a white upper . If you do not have luck spawning mouthbrooding fish, there are some easy fish to do, . Pez, ficha, mantenimiento, alimentación, comportamiento, reproducción y cuidados en el acuario del aulonocara hueseri. Suitable company are spieces from . Un volume minimum de 2litres . The group consists of male and females.

Die farbenprächtigen Cichliden, die zu den Non-Mbunas (Utaka) gehören, ernähren. Raised here in Florida by one of the best African Cichlid farmers in the business.