Pailleuse distributrice tout fourrage (foin et herbe enrubannée) en version traînée. Another ABC in-house video production for Kuhn Farm Machinery. It is designed to take Straw Bales (of any shape), shred them apart, and use the . Het is mogelijk om twee ronde balen met een doorsnede van 1. Univerzální stroj pro zakládání a rozdružování slámy (tažený).
Strømaskiner – KUHN – Rumindhold m hk kraftbehov, bugseret.
Til firkant- og rundballer. Maskinhandler Indkøbsringen. Klikkaa tästä kuvat ja lisätiedot. Gezogene Universalgeräte zum Einstreuen und Verteilen aller Futterarten.
Impagliatrici distributrici per tutti i foraggi in versione trainata. It has got DynamicHose as well as wide tire, rim color selection and mouse controllable hedge door and ejection. View the data sheet on Macgest.
Contact the seller directly to buy the machine. Irelands Leading online diecast and hobby shop, buy online, free shipping in Ireland on all orders over €6.
Swivel chute, speed gearbox, 5rpm PTO. Slip clutch, control box, electric rear door switch. Elle permet de pailler des aires . Download quality FS mods for FSand FS and . Wide tires and rims color choice. Er hat DynamicHose bekommen, sowie Breitreifen, Felgenfarbwahl und per Maus steuerbare Hecktür und Auswurf.
Livraison rapide et Economies garanties en voiture – camion ! Made by Universal Hobbies, 5. Primor -paalisilppurilla. This is version of the straw, possibility to attach behind a Tractor. Generel tilstand (1-5), 1=dårligst – 5=beds. Other agricultural machines – Agriculture – Mascus UK. Description: Category: Implements.
Manufacturer: Universal Hobbies. FG Buy and Sell Tractors and Equipment category. Shop with confidence on eBay! Rubrik: Fütterungstechnik. Zustand: Sehr guter Zustand.
Balstorlek upp till Øm för rundbalar och upp till m längd för fyrkantsbalar.