We are doing our best to compile high quality databases. I need to assign some FT- IR spectra of my compounds (small organic) in terms of their vibration modes. SDBS Spectral Database for Organic Compounds, Japan – Introduction to the. C NMR spectrum, FT- IR spectrum , and the compound dictionary are active for.
This site contains IR (gas phase mostly), Mass Spectra and a few UV-visible spectra.
The database is searchable by name, full or partial molecular formula, and . YanagisawaAn integrated spectral database system including IR , MS. SDBS is an integrated spectral database system for organic compounds, which includes 6. The Aldrich library of infrared spectra by Pouchert, Charles J. The possibility of classification of single- and two-component textile materials using ATR-FT- IR spectra and chemometric methods, principal . Use this subset of the Aldrich FT- IR Spectral Library to perform compound. The IRUG Spectra Database Index lists all spectra in the database.
Links to Other Spectral Databases and Spectral Simulation.
Click on logos for access to other databases. Read More