List style type disc

List – Style – Type (propriété CSS). Définit quel type de puces ou quelle numérotation doit être utilisé. Disc , Un rond noir (puce classique).

List style type can also be specified as part of the list-style shorthand property. Les valeurs de glyphes sont disc , circle et square. Specifies the type of list-item marker in a list.

The problem is that you set this style on a list , while the disc is shown in the list items. Learn how list-style-type works in CSS. If no value is specified for an unordered list, disc is the default.

The list items will use a disc as their bullet point. Section internet explorer well. Die Eigenschaft list-style-type ermöglicht es, für Aufzählungslisten ( ul ). You can specify the list style type as one of the predefined counter styles (e.g., a disc , square, roman numerals, etc) or you can use your own customized counter. I built a project in codepen and the list – style type property is not removing the bullet points.

Sélectionner une image comme puce de liste : list – style -image.

This is a list with disc list markers . Punkty wykazu mogą być na wiele sposobów wyróżniane markerami (punktorami ):. Each item in an unordered list begins with a bullet. The default bullet is a disc.

To change the bullet to other shape, you need the list – style – type WCSS property. Détermine le type de marqueur à appliquer pour la mise en page de la liste, armenian, circle cjk-ideographic, decimal, decimal-leading-zero, disc. Capital Letters Instead Of Bullets, ul type=A. A final example illustrates the entire shorthand rule.

Note that specifying a liststyle – type of disc is a fallback for when the . Hi, i try to get list – style – type : disc for div. ExtraFieldsValue But it has no efffect Do you have a idea how can i get. Voor een ongenummerde lijst zijn de volgende waarden beschikbaar: disc, circle en square.

CSS offers a large number of list bullet style properties and supports using custom images for.